Thursday, July 19, 2012

6 Months!

Emmett is 6 months old today! He is such a big boy and I can't believe how fast he is growing up! I'm sitting here typing this post with one hand while Emmett is sleeping on my arm. His eyes are open just a crack and sometimes if I smile at him the corners of his lips will twitch and he'll flash a smile back at me for just a second.

He is still tuckered out from his well-check & shots this morning. Here are some fun stats on his growth the last 6 months:

             Birth:                                      6 mos.:
Weight: 7 lb, 7oz                                 18 lb, 5 oz
Height:  1 ft, 7 in                                  2 ft, 3 in

He is right around the 70th percentile in all categories, which is perfect! He has hit some other important milestones recently too; his first tooth just popped in a couple days ago and I think the one next to it is on its way too since he is still cranky and wanting to constantly have something to chew on.

His eye's haven't totally decided what color they want to be yet, but I think they are going to be green like daddy's. 

What do you think?

Emmett has also mastered his funny inch-worm crawl. As a matter of fact, he crawled right off our bed & bonked his head in the time it took me to grab a shirt from the dryer the other day! He cried for a few minutes and had a small bruised goose egg, but was fine otherwise. He loves heading straight for the tile or any cords/electronics that look like he might be able to reach. I guess it's finally time to get everything baby-proofed. 

Emmett also loves to see his daddy! When Craig walks in after work Emmett will look towards the sound of his footsteps and just lights up when his face appears! They have lots of fun playing together, especially peek-a-boo.

I love my boys!

It's crazy to think that it has already been half a year since Emmett came into our family. I can't imagine life without him! Happy Half-Birthday Emmett!

1 comment:

  1. I got your comment in my Hypnobabies post. My husband was very supportive. He said he'd support me 100% in what ever I decided to do. The husband or birth partner is very important with Hypnobabies!
